A trusted service
Welcome to Big Sister. A trusted and quality babysitting agency in Lisbon and its surroundings.
Big Sister works in partnership with hotels, concierge services and wedding planner agencies to whom Big Sister offers service contracts through our commitment of means.
Big Sister provides the necessary means for the smooth running of each daycare service.
Big Sister also has a specialized service of animators for the organization and management of birthday parties for children from 3 to 10 years old.
Our Big Sisters speak English, French, Portuguese, German, Italian, Arabic and Spanish.
To book a Big Sister service, contact us: contact@hellobigsister.com
Phone or Whatsapp: +351 962 612 041

Providing peace of mind for parents
Big Sister is committed to providing childcare solutions while you travel in and around Lisbon.
Whether you are staying in a hotel or a holiday rental, Big Sister offers a babysitting service tailored to your needs.
Our Big Sisters speak French, English, German, Spanish, Italian, Arabic and Portuguese.
We guarantee a safe and quality service for your children.
If you need more information, please contact us and we will be happy to answer your questions.